L. Rush Art & Design

Creative Problem Solver
I love designing stuff for you. If it's a creative problem, I'm listening and doing everything I can to solve it. My curious nature leads to ideas and solutions.
These days I focus on learning experience, content management, instructional design, and knowledge sharing. I also have expert experience in print, photography, branding, video production, and eLearning.

Designed this reference guide to be a fun take away training material for employees to review. 5.5 by 8.5 inch booklet produced using Adobe Illustrator and InDesign.

Designed a user friendly presentation to share scorecard customer data and compare where different retail clients placed in the locality program. PowerPoint, Illustrator

Built a solution and team of three to best execute project needs. Facilitated interviews, documented process, organized content, visually designed process playbook, and deployed playbook content within interactive SharePoint space. InDesign, Illustrator, SharePoint

Planned and art directed information architecture and design style of this custom information repository in WordPress. InVision, Photohop, WordPress

Wrote the curriculum after careful research and reviewing the audience needs. Designed all training materials and facilitated the Train the Trainer course to kick off this program for the company. 8.5 by 11 inch workbook produced using Illustrator and InDesign.

Did the video production, photography, wrote the curriculum, built the Captivate file, and even did the voice over work. Produced in Captivate and iMovie

Wrote the curriculum after careful research and reviewing the audience needs. Designed all training materials and facilitated the Train the Trainer course to kick off this program for the company. 8.5 by 11 inch workbook produced using Illustrator and InDesign.

Wrote the curriculum, did the voice over editing, and built the Captivate file for 14 different services areas within Gloabal IT. All modules were loaded onto the enterprise LMS.

Designed this employee course catalog to be a fun take away for employees to review. 5.5 by 8.5 inch booklet produced using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

This Chicago freelance client requested a logo and branding identity for their small theater group. The logos were drawn by hand, then rebuilt in Illustrator. The card was layout in QuarkXPress.